When your coworker does great work, tell their manager

I read this post on my feed and thought this was a very interesting post about recognising one of your co-workers.


You can read the entire post here.


However, to summarise the post:


1.  Ask before you write a glowing email to someone’s manager, if it is ok. There could be many different and valid reasons why someone might not want the praise.

2.  And when you do write, be specific about how they helped and the kind of impact it created.

3.  Send it to them and their managers. Each of them can use this differently.

4.  IF possible, recognise their performance publicly. Again, ask if it is ok first.

5.  Do this consistently and ensure that you are recognising people for genuine contributions à the recognition is well deserving and is authentic.


In Conclusion: 



There is a lot more you can do if you are a leader than just praise and recognise someone for their contributions. As a leader, it is our responsibility to be on the lookout for potential and nurture the same. 


A good leader leads their people, a great leader moulds them into leaders.