If You Want Something You’ve Never had…

This is a quote that resonated with me a lot! This one comes from Alexi Pappas, who is an actor, filmmaker, author and an Olympian and she wrote and directed a movie while pursuing her dream to become an Olympian.

In a world where everyone is asked to niche down and focus on one thing and one thing only, she has proved that you can not only do multiple things at the same time and be successful at both of them simultaneously.

It is my personal belief is very similar. At any given point in time, I am working on multiple projects (writing books and blogs, creating videos for YouTube or TikTok, be an amateur photographer, full time corporate job, attempting standup comedy and at the same time host a podcast). I believe that I am and will continue to do well across all of these practices.

As leaders, it is even more important for us to understand this.

When things around us change or when we decide to go after significantly difficult goals or want to lead innovation efforts, we need to understand that we need to be prepared to try new things and be open to fail at them.

We need to be pre-disposed to be learning from these attempts. This will eventually lead us to achieve things we have never achieved as a team.