Benefiting from Leadership Advice

Premise There is a lot of leadership advice available on the internet – free and otherwise. I offer a lot of them myself, here on this blog. There are innumerable number of books being written on this topic, so much so that at times, it can become too daunting for someone looking for help. However, as leaders, we need to know which advice or ideas are relevant for us and which one’s are not. There are two key criteria or filters that we need to apply in order to decide whether a piece of advice might be useful for us […]

First Principles Based Leadership – Improving our Contextual Awareness

Premise In this series of posts about First Principles Based Leadership, we have already covered the importance of and how to improve our self awareness, social awareness and cultural awareness. In this post, we will explore the importance of context and contextual awareness and how can we become more aware of the contexts that we operate in. We live in a White Water World (as defined by John Seely Brown and Ann Pendleton-Jullian) where our environments tend to change pretty rapidly. Becoming aware of these changes in context is easy as they stare you in your face. Sometimes, we see small shifts over […]

Best Practices Vs First Principles Based Leadership

Earlier today, I read a blog post by Greg Satell titled “This Is One Big Reason Why So Much Business Thinking Is Crap“. In the post he shares his insight on how business fads are created, propagated and result in much waste before fading away. I agree with him whole-heartedly. Building best practices through case studies and interviews, in my opinion is somewhat similar to how blind men would define an elephant, just by feeling a part of the elephant. There is a lot that can go wrong in the process and Greg does a brilliant job at laying them […]

Three Fundamental Responsibilities of Any Manager

Hiring As a manager, we need to constantly be looking at people from the perspective of finding our next hire. In order for us to be effective at this, we need to know our current team composition really well. We understand what key skills or the kind of person or perspective that is missing or can add significant value to the impact we create. Once we know that, we can then always be looking for such a talent in every interactions we have, both within the company and outside (partners, customers and even in our personal interactions). Even when we […]

Leading in Different Contexts

Most people who talk about leadership (including me) talk about it as if leading is the same across situations and contexts. However, in reality it is not. Leading an organisation or a team in a stable environment is very different from leading the same time in a dynamic, ever changing environment. Leading the same team to drive innovation is very different from the other two. Leading the same team in a hyper-growth environment is very different. Apart from a set of skills that are relevant in all environments (empathy, decision making, building trust, good communication, taking care of those in […]