Superman, The Klu Klux Klan & Disruptive Innovation

I recently stumbled upon a short film which chronicled how one single individual (Stetson Kennedy) went under cover and fought and plotted the demise of the Klu Klux Klan. You can watch the entire video below. You can also read the book Superman versus the Ku Klux Klan: The True Story of How the Iconic Superhero Battled the Men of Hate. How Superman Defeated the KKK by CrimeInc2 What was most interesting to me in the entire story was how he brought about the demise of the klan. The Klan had influence over every known source – police, judiciary, political system […]

PBTO23: Building Fiercely Loyal Communities – @SarahRobinson

In today’s episode, we host Sarah Robinson. She is an author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur and a consultant. In my opinion, she has great ideas about how to create fiercely loyal communities. In this free wheeling conversation, we talk about the importance of building a fiercely loyal community, what defines a fiercely loyal community and how can brands go about building this kind of fiercely loyal communities. Most important learnings from the conversation: In a world where consumers and customers can share their experiences with each other, the relevance and importance of advertising and marketing messages is constantly shrinking. People today […]

Are you an Effective Leader?

One of the simplest and the best definitions that i have come across for good and effective leadership is in the Tao Te Ching. I was reading the English translation (by Derek Lin) of this ancient chinese text and came across this quote in chapter 17: The highest rulers, people do not know they have them, The next level, people love them and praise them, The next level, people fear them, The next level, people despise them, If the rulers trust is insufficient, Have no trust in them. Proceeding calmly, valuing their words, Task accomplished, matter settled, The people all […]

What do Great Entrepreneurs do?

I was reading Seth’s new book – “What to do when its your turn [and its always your turn] and came across the section, where he writes – Great work is the result of seeking out tension and not avoiding it.. This got me thinking and I came to a slightly different realization than the one that Seth was alluding to in his book. I believe that this is exactly what entrepreneurship is all about. As entrepreneurs, we seek out tense situations and find creative ways to resolve the tension and make money in the process. I believe what separates […]