Leading Successfully in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Premise: I was talking to a friend, who is also the President of a mid-sized business earlier today and we were discussing his role as a leader of the organisation. He was recently promoted to this new role and was sharing some of his challenges with me. One of the things that he shared was the speed at which everything is changing and how difficult it has become for him to not only keep track of all of these changes but also to respond to them intelligently and in a way that drives the business outcome that he is trying […]

How To Make this Year Your Best Year Ever

Premise: I was invite to deliver a workshop on how to set up your year to be “Your Best Year Ever” recently and here is what I had shared with them in terms of how to think about or approach this task. I believe in order for any year to be our best year ever, it needs to be balanced and see success and growth in all areas of our lives. And I think the key areas that we need to consider are as below: If we have a year where we are able to balance our health and wealth […]

Reinventing Ourselves

There are times when the environment that we operate in changes so significantly that it requires us to reinvent ourselves (as individuals, leaders and teams). There could also be situations that we end up in which requires us to rethink and reinvent ourselves if we are to remain relevant in the new environment. I currently find myself in one such cross-road where I need to reinvent myself if I want to remain relevant, which I very much want to. This led me to start thinking about what it takes to “Reinvent oneself” and here are my thoughts on this and […]

7 Character Traits of Leaders worth Following

Yes and Mindset The best leaders are those who understand the importance of accepting what’s happened and decides to move forward, irrespective of what has already happened. They may feel frustrated for a moment. They will take that moment and deal with their frustration and find a way to learn from what happened and make an intentional choice about how to respond to the situation. They do not dwell on the past (successful or otherwise). They know that both success and failure are not permanent. They also know that both success and failure contain the seed of possibility and are […]