Being Self-full

I was listening to Matt Church talk about the way we show up in the world and the impact that it has on people around us and I was stuck by the simplicity and the profoundness of the thinking. He simply said that we create the biggest impact when we show up being both selfish and helpful or in another way self-full. Being selfish means that we love what we are doing and how we are showing up. This also means that we know what we want to achieve from every interaction or in other words we are being intentional […]

The Four T’s of Empowerment

I recently read about Mike Shipulski’s post with a similar title (The Three T’s of Empowerment) made me think about empowerment in general. You can read his post here. In the post, the three T’s that he talks about is Time, Training and Tools. Time for our people to learn the tools and provide the necessary training so that they can really feel empowered and deliver on our expectations. Mike shares what happens when we miss any of these three in his post really well. I really recommend that you read his post. In my opinion, apart from these three […]

Masterclass – How to Thrive as Leaders Alongside Artificial Intelligence

We are living in a liminal moment where the possibilities that AI (all types of them) and the challenges that they pose to individual workers is being explored and being discussed.  What is not being discussed is the implications of wide-spread deployment of AI and the impact it will have on leaders and how and whom they lead?  If you are a leader in an organization which is actively looking to deploy artificial intelligence within your organisations workflow, you would benefit from watching the recording of a masterclass I delivered on – ‘Leading alongside Artificial Intelligence’ .  In this masterclass, […]

Two ways to Drive Performance Improvements

A recent post on GapingVoid talks about another performance equation (I shared one yesterday on my blog here): Performance improvements = Reducing Errors + Increasing Insights – Gary Klein The author of the post argues that while there is a lot of focus on reducing errors in organisations, there is not enough focus or energy spent on increasing the number of insights that people could share and use to drive productivity improvements. I think there are many reasons for this behaviour. Firstly, we are biologically attuned to negative information more than anything else. So, it is obvious that we are […]